Intersectionality has gained increasing attention in Europe, both in academic and policy fields. The concept gives policy makers and sociologists the opportunity to approach inequality, capturing discrimination patterns which tend to be invisibilised or overlooked. Instead of relying solely on single-axis frameworks, an intersectional approach caters to the multidimensionality of people’s experiences and identities.

Intersectionality looks at the ways in which various social categories such as gender, class, race, sexuality, disability, religion and other identity axes are interwoven on multiple and simultaneous levels. The discrimination resulting from these mutually reinforcing identities leads to systemic injustice.

The Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ), commissioned by the European Network Against Racism, analyzes how intersectional discriminations are received by legal and judicial European framework. The survey points out how the mobilisation of intersectionality remains challenging in a context that overemphasises colour-evasiveness and post-racialism as continental Europe.

The research is enriched with key measures to combat discrimination, advocacy goals and policy recommendations

Download: Intersectional discrimination in Europe: relevance, challenges and ways forward