Crime Safety and victims’ rights – Fundamental Rights Survey

More than one in four Europeans were victims of harassment and 22 million were physically attacked in one year. But crime victims typically do not report their experiences. They often have difficulties accessing their rights and may feel voiceless. These are the results of the first-ever EU-wide survey on the general population’s experience of crime, […]

New EU Strategy to empower victims

The European Commission presented on 24th June 2020 its first ever EU Strategy on victims’ rights to ensure that all victims of crime can fully rely on their rights, no matter where in the EU the crime took place. The new Strategy presented today sets out a number of actions centred around five key priorities: […]

European handbook on good practices

The Handbook produced in the project V-START situates the protection of victims of racist and homo-inter-and transphobic hate crimes within the broader framework of protection of crime victims as outlined in EU and national legislation, illustrating the good practices in providing information, support and assistance to hate crimes victims identified in the previous phases of […]

Research reports have been published!

The V-START research reports on support systems for victims of hate crimes in Austria, Croatia, Germany and Italy are available now. The reports document the findings of a research carried out in all four project countries and focus in particular on the protection of victims of racist and homophobic hate crimes. You will find all four reports – in […]

Being Black in the EU

‘Being Black in the EU’, a report published by FRA (Fundamental Rights Agency) reveals the many challenges black people face. Racial harassment: 30% of respondents say they have been racially harassed in the last five years; 5% have been physically attacked. Member States should therefore make greater efforts to better support victims of racism and to properly […]

The Victims’ Rights Directive 2012/29/EU. European Implementation Assessment.

This study, produced by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) assesses the implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime in EU Member States. It assesses its coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and added value. In doing so, it covers various aspects of the directive’s application: legal […]

ODIHR published 2016 Hate Crime Data

On the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance, ODIHR published its hate crime data for 2016. The 2016 data include information on 44 participating States, including disaggregated official hate crime statistics for 18 countries and a detailed overview of how 34 participating States process and record hate crimes. We changed how official data is presented […]